Girls Gotta Look Out For Each Other

Best-friend ship between girls is a powerful thing. No one else understands quite like another woman.

I explored this theme in my latest story, Girls’ Day Downtown, which also has a lot of its own exploration, if you get my drift. I’m not sure where Kayla came from, she just kind of showed up in my head one day and demanded to be in a story. So I obliged. Let me know if you like her, and maybe she can join Jessi and Mike one day!

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Third one’s a charm

Or something like that. Gosh, time is really getting away from me now that fall is here. So much to do! Do you find that to be true as well?

I got my third story buttoned up (well… considering the subject matter, maybe that’s not the best description), and it’s now up online. Remember, if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can read these for free!

Grab some cider and a doughnut and cozy up to your e-reader and check this out. If you’re chilly, you won’t be after this!

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